Blissful Brownies, Life’s Necessary Luxury

Hypothetically, if One woke up one dreary grey Tuesday morning to find life populated with

  • heavy-duty cramps
  • a messy house
  • unfinished Christmas projects
  • a pile of chores
  • a looming work deadline
  • and six eggs that were about to go off

One could quite understandably take this last issue as the most pressing item on the agenda.

It’s just common sense.

[Almost] Nigella’s Brownies

175g butter

350g dark chocolate

6 eggs

1 tbs vanilla extract

500g caster sugar

225g plain flour

1 tsp salt

200g chopped nuts [optional]

Preheat the oven to 180C and grease a 13×9 pan.

Melt together the butter and chocolate and set aside.

Separately, beat the eggs in a large bowl.

Beat in the sugar and vanilla.

Separately, blend the flour and salt.

Fold the dry ingredients into the wet mixture.

Fold in the chocolate goo, and nuts if you roll that way. [nothing says breakfast like a healthy dose of protein, so today they are very much applicable].

Bake for 30 minutes, or until you reach your prefered texture on the cake/fudge spectrum.

Eat warm, with a tall glass of milk. It’s like armour for your insides.

One Response to “Blissful Brownies, Life’s Necessary Luxury”
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  1. […] and cross-dressing. With brownies we smuggled in for good measure. Is there a better way to while away a January Sunday? […]


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